
Barriers and solutions for mimicking an in vivo extracellular environment with in vitro tools

Barriers and solutions for mimicking an in vivo extracellular environment with in vitro tools


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Explore Human Subcutaneous Space & In Vitro Challenges: Pion's ECM Revolutionizes Research. Uncover Characteristics & Significance of ECM
Barriers and solutions for mimicking an in vivo extracellular environment with in vitro tools


Learn about the subcutaneous environment in humans and the challenges of developing in vitro models of the extracellular space. Discover the vital role of Pion's artificial extracellular matrix (ECM) in advancing in vitro systems.

Don't miss out! Register now to:

  • Uncover subcutaneous space characteristics.
  • Understand the significance of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in vivo.
  • Address realistic challenges and solutions in replicating these characteristics in vitro.

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